What will you do if you were this GUY?

This might be long but please read to the end and offer advice. Good morning folks, a merry Christmas to you all. I've been thinking a lot about what I can do about the current situation I'm facing. For starters, in 2014 I was working with a popular liquor factory in sango ota as a contract staff. There, I earned guaranteed minimum wage of 18k but always boost that up to between 32k and 36k monthly with over time. I got daily meal vouchers worth #520, free transport to and fro with end of the month allocation of our products. The job was difficult but it was doable plus the promise of being staffed was present. In January of 2015, my aunt from lagos asked me to quit the job as she felt she could get me a better offer with her tenant who is into IT since I'm computer literate and very intelligent with an OND result. She believes in me that I deserve better than waste away by drinking my life away in a liquor production environment. I agreed with her and she took me to her tenant who fixed an appointment for me for an interview. I attended the interview and afterwards the man asked me to start work the following month which was February. February came and when I was supposed to resume, I called him and he asked me to resume the following week as he wasn't around. In a nutshell, I resumed on the 9th o February 2015. It was a hospital in lekki. My boss designs medical software and I have to resume in any location where there's job. I waited endlessly for an appointment letter, I'D card, remuneration bargain and other binding documents. Need I say that I'm still waiting for all of that till date even though it's almost 2yrs already. End of February came and while we were there, he sent me on an errand and said something like, let me look for something for you for the month. Before I returned from the errand I received an alert of 40k from him. I thought that was because I didn't start working from the beginning of the month. I accepted gladly and hoped for improvement subsequently but till date nothing has happened. I tried coping with the job and I had to leave my residence (which was my church) in sango for my family house in shogunle. Logistics was Killing my pay but I tried hard to cope against all odds. Later on we had a job at NNPC mosimi shagamu and on getting there, after showing us what to do, my boss paid for weekly accommodation there and nothing more. This means my colleague and i had to resume at shagamu on Mondays and leave on Fridays without any form of compensation whatsoever. I still coped cos I liked the environment. After a few months of working in sagamu, my boss transferred me back to lagos but this time to falomo police hospital. Still no compensation for logistics at all. I finished the job in falomo at record time and was moved to ikeja police college. That was a relief to me cos it's much closer to my house. I did a good job there too and was moved back to mosimi shagamu but this time he didn't provide accommodation so he paid to and fro transportation fare and nothing more. He later moved me to another private hospital in arowojobe estate of Maryland with no provisions at all. The laptop I was working with developed a certain issue and I informed him. He didn't replace it till date. After sometime he complained that my colleague and I were being idle and he couldn't continue to keep us when there are jobs to do outside lagos. I reminded him of dynamism and my ability to speak English, yoruba and hausa fluently. He then concluded that we should resume at jaja clinic UI ibadan from the next day which was in october. Apart from accommodation and transportation he still didn't provide any other allowance for us. The last straw that broke the camel's back was when he said our next stop was kaduna. I asked him severally what the nature of job I kaduna would be like but he constantly declined answers until we got to kaduna. Need I say that he flew to kaduna while we were confined to a 16hrs road trip to kaduna. On getting to kaduna very late on the 7th of November I called my boss severally but to no avail. He later called and asked me to pay our hotel bill for the night and he'll reimburse me. Before 7am, he knocked the hotel room, handed me the money for the room and left. Now my question is, since he didn't make any arrangements or provisions for us before leaving lagos, what would have happened if I hadn't left lagos with up to 6k? On getting to national eye centre kaduna the next day and seeing how large and long our job would be there, he made arrangements with the locals to give us accommodation in one of the hospital's lodges. He gave us a #600 per day lodge which I later found out the original cost was #200 per day. Th inhumane conditions we had to cope with in that lodge is story for another day. After 3days in the lodge, with cost of feeding so high and my resources almost completely drained, my colleague and I decided to reason with my boss that it would be more economical to buy stuff and prepare meals. He agreed with us and when he was leaving that weekend he gave us 8k to buy stove, pots, plates and food stuff. We managed and bought some things, but colleague and I added our personal money to buy food stuff. The following weekend we went short on resources so my colleague mailed him to inform him but then his response was jaw dropping. He responded that he regretted assisting us with the 8k stating that it's not his obligation to cater for our logistics. I became furious and sent him a mail stating that I wasn't ready to add hunger to the harsh conditions I was contending with already up north and he replied me that by the end of November he'll send our tfare back to lagos. He sent 14k to us and tfare was 15k. He didn't pay me my November salary until the 16th. In his mail, he asked me to await his instructions on arrival to lagos but he hasn't even called or messaged me since my arrival from kaduna on the 1st of December. I decided never to reach out to him but after multiple pleas from friends and folks, I mailed him and he hasn't replied. I've not been paid for December and being someone with multiple obligations I'm trying hard not to take any irrational decision. Please friends and family need your advice. All comments would be appreciated. Please pardon any errors, it could be due to auto-correct


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