Financially Dependent Ladies Who Talk About Marriage Lack Vision

When I see some young financially dependent ladies talking and planning excitedly to tie the knot with a man as fast as possible, I can't help but wonder if they are actually planning for the actual 'married life' or just the wedding day Financial independence in marriage, as it is required for men, is also required for women; just that the proportion of its importance could vary for both genders. It beats my imagination to know that most of us who claim to 'study' the Bible have failed to realize the fact that women are meant to be helpers in all ramifications as regards marriage and not some idle hands who enter marriage financially unprepared. I am not saying women should compete financially with men in marriage; what I am saying in essence is that women should also exhibit some level of financial independence or capacity in order to achieve a financially stable family setting in marriage! It is one very reason why I have always encourage our Nigerian mothers to teach their daughters home-made entrepreneurial skills right from the tender years. They should not be given that orientation that their main role in the life of a man is just to consume what has been brought in without any form of contribution. The era of 'OBIAGELI' (coming to eat) is fast fading away; in fact, it is quickly losing its ground. This could catapault them to be more productive than the typical young Nigerian ladies that sit and hope for financial freedom as soon as they get married to a man. This makes marriage seem like an occupation rather than a legal union where the woman is expected to play the role of helper. I have said it severally that men respect women who go out to win the akara while they (the men) go out to win the bread. It is not good for a woman to just be the bread and akara eater altogether. The consequences of such situation mostly take the form of the children/family suffering when the man loses the capacity to 'win the bread' due to ill- health, turn of events, retrenchment, etc. As a young lady, you should discover yourself and identify your vision/purpose occupational-wise before you delve into marriage, else you become a marital burden who cannot contribute meaningfully in building a family of your dream. Have you ever thought about what could happen if the man loses his livelihood? Can you carry on from where he stopped temporarily? Or will you allow your entire family to go out there to beg because you came into the picture with nothing and has refused to be productive? The way the Nigerian economy stands today, it is even suppose to be a pre-condition that our young women are engaged in professions, trade, business or investments that make them financially independent before they think of marriage. This is not 1928!!! Things are changing...think about it! Discover yourself first; don't expect a man to help you discover yourself and give you financial freedom! Marriage is not an escape route out of poverty! It is a legal your role! Financially dependent ladies who talk about marriage lack vision. This is my opinion. Source:


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