Seeking solitude can actually be quite healthy. It isn’t just a professional plus; it’s also good for your mental and emotional well-being. To get the most out of life, you must learn to enjoy spending time alone. This is what the mentally strong people do. In this pro-social world, we are strongly influenced in favour of being with people, or at least constantly interacting with others, be it through social media or other electronic means. We are always going somewhere, doing something or at least chatting to someone about going somewhere or doing something. But seeking solitude can be quite healthy. This is a healthy habit mentally strong people have. Here are reasons why it makes them mentally strong. They Have An Understanding Of Who They Are The reality is that we were born alone and are meant to die alone. Some solitude offers you the opportunity to discover this reality; that you are unique and you do not need any comparison with anyone. Success can come from unde...