Nigerian Association of Information and Communication Technology Students (NAICTS), Federal University of Technology MinnaChapter,is a student associuation under the umbrella of School of Information and Communication Technology (SICT), Federal University of Technology Minna, Main Campus Gidankwano, Niger State which happen to be the first of it kind in the whole federation. The MOTTO of the association is “ UPGRADING THE UNIVERSE “, the LOGO is “the satellite, the Globe, Laptop and a Book as a trade mark” and the objective of the association is as follows;
• To form academic link between members of the association and the School of Information and Communication Technology in particular and the University in general.
• To discuss matters affecting the academic and social welfare of the members of the association.
• To associate the Students of School of Information and Communication Technology Students (SICT) FUTMinna with Nigerian Association Information and Communication Technology Students (NAICTS),FUTMinna Chapter and other bodies within and outside the country.
• To help in shaping the course of information and Communication Technological development of Nigeria by encouraging and carrying out industrial projects offering useful and constructive suggestion to the government and the bodies responsible for making of the nation technological policies.
The association has it ARMS to be ;
• The Central Executive Council (CEC).
• The SICT Students Representative Assembly (SRA).
• The Congress.
Nigerian Association of Information and Communication Technology Students (NAICTS) encompass all Students from the various department in School of Information and Communication Technology which include ;
• Information and Media Technology (IMT)
• Telecommunication Engineering (TME)
• Computer Science (CPT)
• Computer Engineering (CPE)
• Cyber Security Science (CSS)
After the movement of Library and Information Technology department (LIT) to School of Science Bosso Campus in the year 2012 and also the merging of Mass Communication Technology department and Information Technology department to form “Information and Media Technology department”.
NAICTS with the population of over a thousand members was found and registered in the year 2011 by Comrade Garba Farouk of Library and Information Technology department Led administration and thereafter succeeded by Prior Famous Ehichioya of Computer Science department Led administration following a credible election conducted on the 8th August 2012 which happen to be the first election of the association and therefore making former President Prior Famous Ehichioya the first elected President of the association, this administration have the name of the association “NAICTS” and copy of the drafted Constitution passed on to them. The association under the administration of Prior Famous Ehichioya in 2012 were able tyo strive and acquire a SECRETARIAT and set up RELAXATION CENTRE for the members at the School new Complex (new ICT Complex) behind the SICT Lecture theatre, Federal University of Technology Minna, Main Campus, GidanKwano, Niger State.
On the 4th February 2014 was the second election of the association that brought to office the present administration. This election emerge the second elected President Rotr. Salihu Ibrahim Tyabo of Information and Media Technology department. This administration is working rigorously with other ARMS of the association to promote the welfare of the members.
All members of this great association are legally binded by the association Constitution which was drafted by the “Constitution drafting Committee” haven Comrade Jefferson Akinsheye of Library and Information Technology department the chairman of the committee and Senator Omeligbe Sam of Computer Engineering department as the General Secretary of the Committee in the year 2011.


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